The rules for capital letters is easy in English
You must learn them, and then check your writing before submitting or sending it. We must use capital letters in English for these ideas and these ideas ONLY:
- Titles must have a capital letter for every word in the title, except prepositions and articles (a, an, the).
- The first word of every sentence must have a capital letter. DO NOT CAPITALIZE OTHER WORDS IN THE SENTENCE – ONLY THE FIRST ONE. And never use a capital letter after a comma “,” – but always after a period (.)
- Proper nouns (names) must have a capital letter. Make sure that every word in the name has a capital letter.
- The pronoun “I” is always capitalized.
THAT’S IT! There are no other places that you are allowed to use a capital letter. Learn these simple rules and ALWAYS USE THEM. Check your writing before sending/using. Any questions?