To Paraphrase: read the sentence MANY TIMES - as many times as you need to completely UNDERSTAND - but NOT MEMORIZE. Next: put away the reading - DO NOT …
What needs quoting and what should be paraphrased in an essay?
Learning how to use an article to support your ideas when you write an essay response. What can you paraphrase and what must you quote and how to quote? What …
What needs quoting and what should be paraphrased in an essay?Read More
How do you paraphrase the main points?
Take Main Point #1, read it as many times as necessary to understand it completely. When you think you understand it very well, STOP READING IT, turn the …
The Difference Between Paraphrasing & Summarizing
"People often confuse summary and paraphrase, but the difference doesn't have to be confusing." "To paraphrase means to express someone else's ideas in your …